Number of Long and Short Strategies Per Account


Due to the size of the online trading platform, there may be a limit to the number of strategies that you can have loaded on each account.  If you want to run, say two long trading strategies, then you may need two accounts.  Also confirm if you have enough memory on your computer for two or more accounts.  CoolTrade allows you to run one long and one short strategy per account.  Experienced active traders may run two or more live long and short strategies, while having additional accounts for strategies that they are testing in a simulator mode. 



The more robust the trading system, the greater the memory requirements.  Check this before you sign up or purchase a new computer.  If you sign up for more than one account, will your machine have enough RAM to run both or will you need to purchase an extra computer or more memory?  If you have a Mac, ask if the software works on Mac, as not all do.  You may want to have one computer dedicated only to your automated stock trading programs and run other word processing or spreadsheet programs on a separate computer.



To maximize the full potential of the CoolTrade Automated Trader, you should make sure that your computer meets the following requirements.

- Windows PC with Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista.

- CPU speed 2.0 Gig Hz or higher

- Cable or DSL internet connection (highly recommended)

- At least 1 Gig Byte RAM

At this time CoolTrade does not have a Mac version.



For more information, please see



Ability to Simulate Strategies In Real Time Before Running Live


Number of Technical Indicators


Shows You How to Create A Stock Trading Strategy








Regina Guinn CoolTrade Article

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