I have 4 traders I’m trying to run with a Quad-Core 2.05 GHz and 16MB of RAM (over kill) however creating different directories does not seem to work., opening a new one seems to close the current one. I know it’s an easy fix just not sure what step I’m missing.
If you are running multiple automated traders then you need to run:
That is because the START programs kill any version of the software that is already running before starting a new one.
I must have done something wrong then. At any other setting than Never Notify, the WatchDog sits at etloginstep2 and I the etrade account inforrmation doesn’t prefill (since I was already on today). With it set to never notify, I see the authorization code and my accounts. Since I’m only evalutating CoolTrade at the moment, I’ll decide how much of an issue it is if I decide to keep it. Thanks anyway :)
I just got a new computer with Windows 7 and am not able to add "/a" so I can bypass the log on when I click on the icon. When I open up Properties, the Target is locked in, and I cannot modify it. Is there another way of doing this?
Only way to do it is to delete the shortcut and create a new one.
I don’t know why Windows 7 is not letting you edit the Run Line on the initial shortcut:
"c:\program files (x86)\CoolTrade Automated Trader\StartCoolTrade.exe" /a
note: The /a has a space before it and it is outside of the double quotes.
To start off with, this shortcut did not get set up in Program Files, it was set up under Users. I can change the Start in, but cannot change the Target.
Your idea didn’t work. Actually, I also had a problem setting up a scheduled task in that it would start the program but asked for the CT password, even though I had all the suppress boxes checked. I got around that after experimentation directly through the Task Scheduler once I had set up the task. I added the "/a" on the Actions tab. I can’t figure out if this is an Administrator issue. When I tried to set up a scheduled task through CT, it would not allow it because of a password issue relating to the user, even though I had shut down that option and I never set up a user password. I also allowed the user to have Full Control under Permissions to be able to modify and edit. So far, no luck.
there seems to be no info available on how to get the authorisation code to connect with etrade. does anybody know how to connect to etrade with cooltrade? Thanks!
I have an etrade account.
When I select either Simulator with the etrade datafeed, or select ETRADE Live mode, it automatically pops up the etrade website, where I can log into my etrade account and then it generates an authorization code that I copy. As soon as highlight the code on the website and then click CTRL-C the code automatically goes to cooltrade and then it logs you in.
Thanks for the info... I think I may just be having a software issue I’m not sure is because I’m getting an dxdbgrid.dll error on installation or because I’m running cooltrade on a virtual machine, all other programs including etrade pro and every other feature of cooltrade works fine in it though. right now I’m deciding between getting a cheap pc to run cooltrade with etrade or learning how to automate in excel, I guess I have a month to see cooltrade use the cooltrade data feed and trade in simulation mode to see if buying a pc for this is worth it.
thanks again!
The dxdbgrid.dll file was used by mb trading but is not longer needed.
Definitely has nothing to do with etrade.
Since this topic specifies the ETRADE AUTHORIZATION, are you having any problems with the login?
Sorry for the caps.
Yes it is a problem during login. After CT finishes with the agreement window when the small login window pops up I get a " The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click OK to terminate the application" message, it does it every time CT tries to launch the Etrade API and even when clicking on the api.exe itself. any idea what the problem would be? Thank you.
It’s possible the dot net framework is not installed on your computer.
I suggest installing dot net and see if it fixes it.
I cannot seem to get the Microsoft download link to work.
So, search Google for this phrase and it should give you a link to install the dot net framework:
download dotnet framework 3.5
Thanks a lot! I downloaded the framework and it logs in fine, although is past 4pm so the watchlist on the bottom is not loading. I’ll post what it does tomorrow but so far so good.
on another note I don’t have the edit link on the options button on the strategy wizzard, (it looks as though that’s just the way it is on this version) but clicking on the strategy names does open the editor.
thanks a lot for your help, looking forward to puting CT on cruising and getting back to making music!
We removed the Edit Strategy from the Options Menu.
You’re right. Just click on the Strategy name to edit it.
Good luck!
ok, running vmware fusion with xp on a mac ( not bootcamp) cooltrade working with etrade fine... except that it will not load( or maybe take too long -like over an hour-) the watchlist generated by the Swing Long Strategy which generates over 60 symbols.... I loaded the agreesinve long strategy which brings up about 12 symbols and that opens smoothly.. is it normal to wait long times when witing for a long watchlist to load when using etrade or any other broker’s feed as opposed to the cooltrade feed? Thanks.
CoolTrade with ETrade is fairly new so we have not yet received a lot of feedback. My CT/ET trader has about 30 symbols in the watch list and I have noticed that it takes a little longer to load all symbols, in comparison to the other brokers. When it starts in the morning I see the Watch List symbols coming in each minute.
Click File -> Download Developer Version to get the most up to date version. I’m sure there have been a few tweaks to that data feed over the last month.
See if that helps.
Thanks everyone for your help!
I see the button to start/stop receiving emails alerts when someone post in the forum. But I have never received an email regardless of what setting this is on. How can I receive an email noticewhen someone has posted...?
We had to turn off that feature because too many people were turning it on and then forgetting that they turned it on, and then screamed spam when the posts kept going to their email.
Also, AOL subscribers change their AOL screen names, and the emails end up going to the AOL Spam Reports and our ISP was getting turn-off threats from AOL.
I have read some old threads regarding running CT on VPN or other remote servers. I’m really interested to know if anyone was able to successfully and reliably trade using these machines. If so, please let me know your experience and recommendations.
My CT trader runs on a server in my rack that is colocated at my ISP.
It starts via the task scheduler and auto-shuts down at 11pm.
Whenever I want to see how it is doing I just use logmein.com.
Works flawlessly.
Thanks Jerry for sharing your experience. Did you rent the server or you using your own? How do you sign-up for the service?
i reserched it and they are posts I found from others using virtual servers.
Thanks Keith for the info. I checked all sites and the first two seem pricy and having a new desktop might be better, as you said.
Here is an easy to use Windows Task Scheduler that was sent to us.
It seems to work on all versions of Windows
Can you tell me more how the scheduled Auto-start / auto-stop works?
Does this auto-start and stop (open / close) the program or does it just start and stop the trading if the program is open and running?
My Cool Trade instance is installed on Windows 2008. I do not see any entries made by the program in Windows Scheduled tasks. Should I see any scheduled tasks?
I use Windows Remote Desktop to access the Windows Server instance running Cool Trade. The Cool Trade program closes when I log out of the instance.... and seems to close now even when I terminate the windows terminal session.
Do you have any thought of compiling Cool Trade to run as a service (or is there a way to do this)?
Many questions but they may not be the rights ones. The bottom-line is that I want to be able to remote into my server, get Cool Trade running and have it stay running and have it open and close trades per the schedule I configure in the software even when I’m logged off.
Please enlighten me! Thanks.
Hi Glen,
The auto-start option is supposed to start the program. Once the program is running, it will trade unattended. Then, the program will shutdown based on the shutdown time specified on the Preferences screen in the Automated Trader.
The option on the Preferences screen to schedule the automated start of CoolTrade used to work with Windows XP and it may even work with Vista, but I don’t think it works with Windows 7 and Windows 2008. All it is supposed to do is create the job in the Windows Task Scheduler. So, if you don’t see the entry in the Windows Task Scheduler, then the CoolTrade program was not able to send it there.
Here is how you schedule the job to start in the Windows Task Scheduler:
Program to Run:
"c:\program files (x86)\cooltrade automated trader\startcooltrade.exe"
Parameter: /a (note there is a space before the /a.
You need the /a so that it runs exactly the same way that you last ran the program and it will bypass the login screen and automatically log you in. Then, if you need to do anything manually, it will prompt you for your password, the first time you try to do something.
Regarding the remote desktop with the /admin or /console option so that you can see what is running on the desktop. The CoolTrade program is probably running but when you log in without those options then you are only seeing one instance and not the actual instance of the desktop.
Try typing: mstsc.exe /admin
Then, if CoolTrade is running on the computer, you should see it. It should keep running even if you log out of your remote session.
Thanks Ed.
I unchecked the Auto-start option. I did create a task as you suggested and tested it... but I will leave it unscheduled for now. I’m hoping that the software will just keep running. Thanks for the other tips.
unchecking the auto-start option in the Automated Trader has no affect. The option was only put there in hopes that the trader could auto-schedule the job in the Windows Task Scheduler.
Once it is in the Windows Task Scheduler, the job will start every day.
The CoolTrade software must go off every night so that it can be restarted in the morning with all of the new indicator / rules values and a new watch list that meets the new rules.
The software shuts off based on shutdown time you specify in on the Preferences screen. In any case, it will automatically turn itself off when the date changes at midnight.
Thanks... that’s very important info. I wondered why the program was gone the next day. I’ll set up the scheduler.
After you schedule the job in the Windows Task Scheduler, immediate click on the task and click RUN. If it runs, complete hands free (as if you were not in the house), then everything is perfect. if it does not run or it prompts and will not continue without your input then it is not working right.
Let me know if you need assistance, as I’ve done it about 1000 times.
I am running Windows 7 Ultimate. I have setup the task scheduler according to the installation video , however CTP does not launch. States "operation completed successfully". If I copy the execution string "C:\Program Files (x86)\CoolTrade Automated Trader\StartCoolTrade.exe" from the task scheduler into windows explorer CTP runs successfullt, however. I must make an entry to the "accept" box and enter the password also as both of these are not automatically populated.
Any help greatly appreciated!
this is an important issue.for those in asia pacific,or for those in australia,an automated start time is crucial.
at 2300hr australian e.s.t markets begin in the usa.not so hands free if you are up till 11.00 to 12.00pm.every night to get started.
maybe those buying the ctp should be told this along with the minimum computer specs,that not using win7 and win2008 will help automate the process.most folks would be buying a new computer for this software,and a heads up on this issue would save time that could be alocated to test trading.
just a thought ladies and gentlemen.
I’m running on Windows 7 and windows 8 and my task scheduler works perfectly.
I’m not in asia pacific, but the market opens at 6:30am my time and I don’t get up until about 8:00am and my automated traders are already running since 6:10am.
I’m on windows 8 and having a similar problem.
I followed Ed’s directions above with no success.
Clicking "run" in the scheduler results in an indicator changing to show that the CT is "running" but the program never pops up and no trades take place.
I ended up putting a shortcut for CT in the startup folder (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp) so it starts itself up automatically when the PC turns on.
This worked, but I cannot figure out how to get the PC to autostart with Win 8. Even if I can figure that out, I’ll still have to figure out how to get the password to input automatically when CT opens (because this is not currently happening with Win 8).
If I fail here, then I might have to figure out if it is worth it to try to find a Win 7 PC before they are all gone.
I’ll repost if I get this figured out.
First update...
I have been stopped by another wall. When I try to change CT’s scheduled start and stop times ("preferences" page) I get met with an error message. Below is an copy of the message:
Cancelling old CoolTrade task if one is found
ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
Scheduling new CoolTrade task. The Windows Task Scheduler requires your Windows Password.
NOTE: If you do not have a Windows Password, then you need to launch the Windows Task Scheduler and check “Run Only If Logged On”.
ERROR: Invalid starttime value.
Press any key to continue . . .
I have tried checking the “Run Only If Logged On” box and unchecking it. I have tried it with a Windows logon password and without a Windows login password. All attempts have resulted in unsuccessful results.
When the system is on, it does its job well, but it would be nice if I did not have to wake up at 5:30 am (Alaska time) every morning to get the system ready for the market opening at 6 am.
If anyone has any insight it would be greatly appreciated.
-- DH
Send email to support@cooltraderpro.com and they will connect to your computer and set it up for you.
Thanks. I’ll give it a shot.
I have CT installed on a Win7 home premium system that has 2 users, 1 of which is to contain CT only related info. I have set up the task scheduler to start CT with the /a option at the end, run whether the user is logged on or not, to wake the computer to run the task, and on the surface all appears well. When I go check the computer to see if CT is running I can see in the process list that it is... but it is not in the running applications list and it is not being displayed on the screen. Is it really running and doing what it is supposed to do?
I also have CT installed on a Win 7 home premium and got a similar problem not able to run automatically, though already set up the task scheduler to start CT. When I run manually ( right click run) on CT task scheduler the status change from "ready" to "queued". Anybody can help?
Where can I program with the APIs? In the Start Menu, there is a shortcut named "Lauch ETradeAPI.exe". But there is no response after I clicked it.
BTW: how can I get developer password?
The Developer Password is actually for the CoolTrade and Etrade developers usage.
This will fix the program to log into ETRADE:
Exit CoolTrade and launch the Strategy Wizard.
That will reinstall the software and re-register the Etrade code for the login.
That will/should fix it.
18:30 LogGeneralError: SourceFunction=RetrieveXmlOXOrders, ErrNumber=6, ErrDesc=Overflow
18:30 Connection Restored
18:29 LogGeneralError: SourceFunction=RetrieveXmlOXOrders, ErrNumber=6, ErrDesc=Overflow
Has anyone ever gotten the above message before. I have tried a Chckdisk and rebooted. What else can I try.
This indicates OptionsXpress.
I suggest you launch the Strategy Wizard and click FILE->DOWNLOAD DEVELOPER VERSION. That will reinstall the software and reregister the OptionsXpress controls.
Thanks - I tried that but nothing happens - the download does not occur - is there another way to reregister the Optionsxpress Controls
If you cannot do the download then it must mean your software installation was not completed.
if you are running on Windows 7 then you need to do the following:
1. Turn Off User Account Control (UAC).
2. With UAC off, Reboot your computer.
3. after rebooting with UAC off, click the desktop shortcut labeled RegOcxFiles.
After you do the above, you will be able to run the Strategy Wizard and do the FILE->DOWNLOAD DEVELOPER VERSION.
Then all of the software will be installed and it should fix the problem.
If I login in Simulator mode - it works just fine and everything loads.
The file menus will not work if you have not launched RegOcxFiles with UAC off (after a reboot). That is the part that needs to be fixed so that you can download the developer version from the file menu.
I have done all the above and the software was able to be installed, however I still get the following
23:35 LogGeneralError: SourceFunction=RetrieveXmlOXOrders, ErrNumber=6, ErrDesc=Overflow
23:35 Connection Restored
23:35 LogGeneralError: SourceFunction=RetrieveXmlOXOrders, ErrNumber=6, ErrDesc=Overflow
23:35 Connection Restored
23:34 LogGeneralError: SourceFunction=RetrieveXmlOXOrders, ErrNumber=6, ErrDesc=Overflow
I am getting the following error when I am trying to install the software on Win7.
I can’t get the software to install. Please help me!
Error 1327. Invalid Drive: f:\
Nevermind... I figured it out!
I got the "Error 1905. Module C:\Program Files (x86)\CoolTrade Automated Trader\Mbtgrids.ocx failed to unregister. HRESULT-2147220472. Contact your support personnel. "
I use windows 7 home premium. Thanks for your help.
A broker just removed that file from installation. You can just ignore that message.
However, since you are running on a Windows7 OS, you need to following the instructions in the Welcome To CoolTrade email for completing the installation on a Vista/Windows7 computer.
Basically, you need to turn off UAC, reboot, and then click the desktop shortcut labeled RegOcxFiles.
That should do it.
What is "UAC"? Thanks.
UAC = User Account Control
Go to the Windows Control Panel and search for "Turn off user account control" and you will see where you can turn it off.
Then reboot before click "RegOcxFiles" on your desktop.
If you send email to TechnicalSupport@Cool-Trade.com I am sure they can remotely connect to your computer and make sure everything is set up correctly.
I got the user key and the user secret from tradeking.
however, After I typed the user key and the user secret to cool trade software (TradeKing Login) and clike authorize now button. There is a message pops up "(Microsoft.NET Framework) Unhadled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue. The application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit. The application will close immediately. Could not find a part of the path c: data\exes\sinewave.ico.". Then, I click "Continue" bottom. There is TradeKing API window pop up. How can I connect to my Tradeking account? Thanks.
.NET needs to be installed on your computer for the tradeking software to work.
CoolTrade tech support can help with this.
I suggest sending email to technicalsupport@cool-trade.com
Dear Hedge:
Thanks for your help. I will email them.
I run cooltrade today and it was working nicely. I left and came back after 2 hours and Ifound that it shut down by itself. Any knows why?. Im using hp laptop with windows 7. Thanks
On the Automated Trader, click FILE->RUN CHKDSK.
Then shutdown the application and reboot, so the system can do a checkdisk/repair of your hard drive. Just in case that was the problem.
If the crashes happen more often, then you can click the file menu on the Watchdog program that is running on the lower-right of your screen in the system-tray, and select "restart cooltrade on unscheduled exit". That will automatically restart CoolTrade in case it stops unexpeditly.
They other thing you can do is click FILE->DOWNLOAD DEVELOPER VERSION to update the software on your computer to the most recent version.
I don’t anyone will know why it stopped this one time.
I am having a similar problem. Mine is shutting off every night. Did this work for you malubaidy?
Well... I think I figured out the late night shut downs. In his post (
It started running very slowly and kept saying "Not Responding", missing trades and taking 30+ minutes to initialize. Now I can’t even get passed the log in screen!
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and refreshing my strategy. Nothing seems to be working.
Also, I get this error when I install CoolTrade now:
"Error 1904.Module C:|Program Files (x86)\CoolTrade Automated Trader\MbtGrids.ocx failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473"
Thanks again!
The MBTGRIDS.OCX message ican be ignored as that is just a file that was removed by one of the brokers.
However, the other errors that you are reporting are indicative of a bad internet connection.
I would restart the router/modem and see if that fixes it.
It not, then contact TechnicalSupport@Cool-Trade.com
Is there a way to disable the splash screen window on startup that shows the startup progress?? This seems to hang indefinitely until I mouse over the window, then it snaps out of it. Is there a switch we can add, like the /a for auto login?? or a .ini file where we can change a setting to disable the splash screen?? My scheduler is working fine, except for hanging at this window... also happens without the scheduler.
Ralph, if you click FILE -> DOWNLOAD DEVELOPER VERSION, you will get a version of the software with the flash intro turned off.
Perfect!! Thanks!!
BTW.. It would be nice at the end of threads if people acknowledged that the proposed solution worked.. just sayin
That would be a dream!
Unfortunately, once a problem is resolved, people just move on.
I can assure you that problems reported years ago have long been resolved. Also, most problems reported only happen on that single clients computer and then it gets resolved. But when people come to the boards they think everyone is experiencing every problem reported.
For example the problem you reported with the flash intro, was only happening to you. We could have spent time to go on your computer and figure out why it only happens on your computer. I just thought it would be quicker to just comment it out in the startup code since it really serves no value.
I am a new CoolTrade client and I have run into a series of glitches with the program. I am seeking some assistance and clarification in regard to the following concerns;
- Of the 3 windows required to run the software (strategy wizard, watchdog and trading platform) the trading platform window does not appear when double-clicked. This window initially did open when double-clicked, however it has recently stopped opening when double-clicked. Is this operator error or is this a technical glitch? If so, how do I address this?
- The connection screen displays CoolTrader fluctuating connection drastically within a small span of time (2-3 minutes). Would this likely be related to my home internet connection, or is this to do with some other connectivity hub I am unaware of?
- When this program did work, it would intermittently turn itself off (quite frequently) with no intervention from myself. When I would attempt to address that problem by clicking ‘Restart Automated Trader on Unscheduled Exit,’ it would restart the program in entirety even while the program was running.
- Recently, CoolTrader has had difficulty connecting with my Interactive Broker software.
I have had this program for 2 weeks and would like to have it up and running as soon as possible. I appreciate any and all assistance in this matter, and look forward to hearing any response.
This sounds like a very slow computer and/or not enough memory.
If you have XP then 1-2 gb of ram is enough. If Vista/7/8 then 6-8gb is needed because those operating systems use a lot more memory.
If the above is not the problem then you should send email to support@cooltraderpro.com and have a tech connect to your computer and see what is wrong.
I would uncheck the "restart on unscheduled exit" because if it is restarting while the program is already running that means something on your computer is making it hard for the automated trader to communicate with the watchdog.
I have only just started using CoolTrader today, I have come across a few errors and questions that I have not been able to find answers to.
1. If PC running CoolTrader shuts down does this mean that CoolTrader will not execute any trades. (new trades / add to existing positions / close profitable trades etc.
2. In the Strategy Wizard when you click on Options (next to strategy), select Print Strategy I get the following error - Report width is larger than the paper width any idea how to fix this? I am in Australia have changed my regional settnig all to English (USA).
3. Can you install CoolTrader on multiple computers trading different strategies (does this breach licensing? Do you require individual brokerage accounts if you do this or can you trade using only one?
4. When you download a strategy from cool-trade.com where does it save it to / can you rename it. I downloaded one and it is saved as "downloaded (todays data / time)" this means nothing to me can you give it a more meaningful name?
5. If trading a long strategy is it best to also trade the short ?
6. If you get an error when setting trading hours (when clicking the verify start / stop times) - start checking to open positions / add shares / close position will it still work?
7. Dow30 long / short there is nothing in the Exit Trade Rules section is this right?
8. How do you sign up to become a distributor of the software?
Alot of questions I know. Thanks for your help.
Hi. I can try to help you.
1. If PC running CoolTrader shuts down does this mean that CoolTrader will not execute any trades. (new trades / add to existing positions / close profitable trades etc.
- If the PC that is running CT shuts down then your auto trader will not execute any trades whether its in live mode or simulator mode. All of your open position will just sit and wait for the trader to run again.
2. In the Strategy Wizard when you click on Options (next to strategy), select Print Strategy I get the following error - Report width is larger than the paper width any idea how to fix this? I am in Australia have changed my regional settnig all to English (USA).
- I am not sure how to fix the printer issue. Maybe you can go into your printer settings and manually change the margins?
3. Can you install CoolTrader on multiple computers trading different strategies (does this breach licensing? Do you require individual brokerage accounts if you do this or can you trade using only one?
-If you want to run multiple auto traders, you will have to buy the software for each computer. Each license is only for 1 trader (which can run 1 long and 1 short strategy at the same time).
4. When you download a strategy from cool-trade.com where does it save it to / can you rename it. I downloaded one and it is saved as "downloaded (todays data / time)" this means nothing to me can you give it a more meaningful name?
-When you download a strategy, it will show up in the drop down menu when you open the strategy wizard. Once you open it you can rename it. Make sure you click save when you are done. However, I would not copy a strategy directly from the website. Those same strategies can be seen and copied from the bottom of the list in the Strategy Wizard when you click OPTIONS next to any strategy.
5. If trading a long strategy is it best to also trade the short ?
-This is entirely up to you. But I prefer to only trade Long because shorting can be dangerous because a stock could go up an unlimited amount, while a long position has a fixed amount that it can go down.
6. If you get an error when setting trading hours (when clicking the verify start / stop times) - start checking to open positions / add shares / close position will it still work?
-If you get an error with your start and stop times, it is best to fix it. The auto trader cannot execute trades while the market is closed. If you set it close out of trades at a certain time, but the market is closed, it wont be able to do that.
7. Dow30 long / short there is nothing in the Exit Trade Rules section is this right?
-This is correct.
8. How do you sign up to become a distributor of the software?
-Go to www.cooltraderpro.com. Sign in using the user name and password that you chose when you bought your software. Once signed in there you will see your sponsor link. Your friends can use that link to signup and you will get the commissions.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Carolnetzer
One more question.
If I have trades open using Dow30 Long stetegy and I change say to Swing Trade strategy.
Does this mean that current open trades will now be using the Swing Trade configuration.
If so whats recommended? Close out trades that were opened using the Dow30 Long strategy?
I lied :)
One more question
When I open the application (when market is closed) you can’t see what open positions you have? Is there a way to view it?
When I started, installation was done for me, now that I have new people, where are the simple "Getting Started" instructions for someone new to download and get started?
Here is the step by step install instructions.
I saw Ed’s video here about using a VPS: https://cooltraderpro.com/media/152
I’m not in an area prone to power outages, but the VPS can get me lower latency to the broker - something that seems potentially beneficial. At least at first, I also want to be able to manage or keep an eye on the system remotely, but I don’t really want to bother configuring my home network to allow remote connections and implementing the necessary security. Furthermore, I’d prefer to reduce power consumption at my home. I don’t have a PC I want to leave on all day and if I ever want to trade forex, I imagine that may be a reason to leave the PC on through the night.
Can anyone recommend a popular VPS host?
I’ve been looking at this one:
Cool-Trade cannot endorse a VPS provider. My only suggestion is that the VPS provider offers Windows XP as an operating system platform.
The attached is a draft what technical support is considering.
Technical Support
I want to switch where CTP is running away from my primary computer to a different computer. So I shut it down, installed on the 2nd computer, got it up and running but none of the open positions display on the 2nd computer. Both systems are win7 home premium. Any ideas? Thanks.
Are you running in simulator mode or live mode?
It’s a holiday. All symbols will remain in the Exceptions folder until the software sees prices in with the current date.
How do I get the Strategy Wizard Toolbar that shows Advancing_Preferences Declining_Preferences ... to show in v7.4.1 of the Strategy Wizard? Many thanks.
First you might want to try updating your CoolTrader to the newest developer version so you can take full advantage of the software! To do this you will need to launch the Strategy Wizard and go to File --> Download Developer Version.
After that you will want to start Strategy Wizard again and click on the Strategy Name of the one you are wanting to access. When your in the strategy Wizard for that specific strategy up at the top of the menu options you will see both "Advancing Preferences" and "Declining Preferences"
I hope this helps!
I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling. However, I can’t reset CoolTrade’s portfolio valuation numbers which are incorrect.
How do I reset the portfolio valuation numbers?
How do I reset the open positions to none?
Here is a link on how to refresh CoolTrade to reset your Account data and to refresh a new strategy. I’ll also list the steps below.
After changing strategies there are a few steps in order to clear your reporting information and restart CoolTrade using the new parameters of the new strategies.
Select New Strategy
Within the Strategy Wizard click the check box next to the strategy you wish to change to in the BUY /LONG Strategies or SELL / SHORT Strategies fields.
Refresh CoolTrade
1. Exit out of the Strategy Wizard.
2. Within CoolTrade click Fileà Logoff (Clear All Passwords) this will clear all saved password information and requiring the user to go to the login screen upon restart of CoolTrade.
3. Click the icon to log into CoolTrade and you will get the CoolTrade Login screen. Before logging in Click Fileà Refresh For New Strategy.
4. Log into CoolTrade.
5. You will get a screen asking if want to clear reporting data and if you are in simulation mode you will have to enter the amount you want to simulate with.
* You will notice that the Current Account Value, Funds Allocated, and Funds Available will have reset.
* Your new strategy will continue trading for this point forward.
I hope this helps.
I just want to make a slight correction to Carol’s instructions. When you are in the login window (the one with all of the brokers and asking for username and password) Click on File > Refresh for New Strategy. When the trader loads up, you will see a new window pop up called "Refresh Automated Trader". In this window you will have 4 check boxes and an account value reset. The four boxes will give you the option to close all your positions and delete all your reports. If you want to keep your reports from the previous strategy then you can just uncheck those options. Set your account balance to what you want and hit save. Now your account value, open positions and reports will all be reset starting you from scratch.
I would only do this in a simulation since if you wanted to do this in Live you would essentially liquidate your account even if it is at a loss. It’s a tool specifically made for simulations.
Thanks Phil.
No problem Carol!
I have clicked and clicked, updated software, rebooted, tried with Cool Trader running or not but I cannot get the Strategy Wizard to run...
Has anyone else had this problem??
Nevermind, turns out when I did the Download developer version, my antivirus software blocked the live update so it never finished. Reran it and added nsliveupdate to trusted software and now running 7.4.390...all is well with the world again :-)
so glad you got it fixed!
You can also try this if you want to update again. Shift+Right Click on the NSWizard icon and "Run as Administrator". This will sometimes fix the issue.
Everytime I attempt to download the developer version I get an error that’s read " File-busy. Re-attempting to download. Please wait... Downloading
I had the same problem and found this worked for me.
Go to your CoolTrade folder and run nsliveUpdate. Then once your CT is up and running with initialization complete. Click on File download developer version.
The file that is busy would be the indication that the program associated with that file is still running. End the task through the task manager, or you can put this into your command prompt:
taskkill /im cooltrade.exe /im watchdog.exe /im nswizard.exe /f
You might need to run the command prompt as administrator since this is a force quit function.
You can also go into the cooltrade directory and find "betaCoolTrade.bat". Right click it and click "Edit". Replace "Beta" with "Dev" (Case Sensitive). Save the file and run it. This will update to developer. Here are the rest of the commands you can replace in that file:
Hope this helps.
Everytime I attempt to download the developer version I get an error that’s read " File-busy. Re-attempting to download. Please wait... Downloading
I was just able to download the new Developer Version on my computer. Maybe the servers were busy earlier. You might want to try it again also make sure that you are on a DSL or higher connection to download the new version.
I have tried for 2 days now, all different times of the day. I’ll figure it out I guess lol
Are you connected to a wired or wireless connection?
I am on wired cable internet... I got it though thanks. All else failed so I uninstalled and reinstalled program.
That is good to hear. I have had that issue once and it turned out my operating system had some malware that I had to remove. You might want to make sure that your anti-virus is up to date and also that you have proper malware/spyware protection.
One thing I will do when I get that file busy message is hit Shift+Ctrl+Esc and see if anything is running related to that file that is being waited on. When the trader is updating, nothing related to the trader can be running because it will not update that file. For instance, if it says the file it is waiting on is "NSWizard" then chances are NSWizard is still running in the background. Just end the task and that should fix it.
My Cooltrader program shuts down every time I attempt to download the developer version. Is there any way to just download the file and then install fresh? If you just uninstall and then try to re-install you get the 7.5.1 version again. Thanks...
Here are some steps to do a manual live update. I hope this helps.
For both Windows 7 and Windows 8:
· Press the Microsoft Key + R or
· On the bottom left corner of your computer screen, click START.
· If you see the option “RUN” then click on it.
· Copy and paste (or type) this link into the Run line:
c:\program files (x86)\cooltrade automated trader\nsliveupdate.exe
· If you did not see the word “RUN” then do the following:
1. Press Microsoft Key + E or Click START -> MY COMPUTER (or just COMPUTER) and click it.
2. Then click wherever you see “C:”
3. Then click “PROGRAM FILES (X86)"
4. Then click “CoolTrade Automated Trader”
5. Then scroll to locate “NSLIVEUPDATE.EXE “ and click it.
For anyone that knows how to create a batch file, or just has a little technical knowledge, here is an option for creating your own developer update icon on your desktop.
1. Open Notepad.
2. Copy and paste this into it:
taskkill /im cooltrade.exe /im nswizard.exe /im watchdog.exe /f
cd "C:\CoolTrade Automated Trader"
nsliveupdate.exe Dev
3. Note the directory path I have put on the second line. Your CoolTrade might be installed elsewhere. Maybe program files for example.
a. If it is installed in program files or the user directory, uninstall CoolTrade and re-install. When the option comes up to change directory, change it to C:\CoolTrade Automated Trader. Be sure to also click "Anyone who uses this computer" on the next screen.
4. Save the notepad file by copying and pasting this into the file name field within the save window:
5. Save the file to your desktop, and test it out!
Note: This batch file will close any program associated with CoolTrade, so make sure this is done outside of market hours. I also suggest closing CoolTrade manually first.
Hope this helps!
why download the developer version?
Is there any advantage?
You were just responding to a general HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE DEVELOPER VERSION post. So it did not involve a fix for anything.
If your software is working then you have no need to reinstall it.
However, if you installed the software and did not do it correctly, downloading the developer version give you the most up-to-date version of all of the files and also reinstalles the broker linkage software.
New to CT. On my first day, was unable to get software to work on my more current CPU (running windows 8, i7 - 3GHz Processor, 6 GB Ram). Had an old CPU collecting dust and i plugged that one in ( Windows XP, Pentium 4, 3.119 GHz with 1.5 GB Ram ) Cool Trader worked on this system albeit pretty slow.
Tech Support made some adjustments on the newer PC and was able to get it to run but its still not as stable (i.e. shuts down randomly and or locks up often).
Looking perhaps to just have a dedicated system thats optimal for running CT. Would love any input from someone who’s system seems to run really well with CT. In particular, your OS, memory, processor, etc (Spec).
Thanks in advance.
I know that there are plenty of people out there running CoolTrade on a windows 8 system but I have my trader working like a charm and here are my specs.
OS: Windows 7
RAM: 3Gig
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor 1.6 GHz ( I would suggest a 2.0GHz + though)
I will say you want to make sure that you have downloaded the latest developer version of CoolTrade so that your not on a version with some bugs that could be having issues with windows 8.
Here is a simple how-to for this:
Thanks Dewey, your info is much appreciated.
It really depends on how many symbols you are loading too. CT does a lot of math. the more symbols you have, the more the computer will use up your system resources. CPU speed is the most important thing in this case. I would say a good limit of symbols is 35 and no more than that. If there are more than that you could run into the risk of the computer just shutting down CT completely. Faster the computer, the more symbols it can handle since there is so much going on.
Is it possible to resize the window or columns in the CT main screen. The P/L columns will not show the full profit and loss number as in Net P/L . Can these columns/window be resized?
Help appreciated
They cannot be resized. You have to go into your settings and make everything smaller so it fits.
Can I use another computer to run Cooltrader on if my first computer becomes unreliable?
I have downloaded CoolTrader software on to a 2nd computer and ask if I need to make any alterations to this 2nd computer for it to run the Cooltrader program successfully?
Yes. You may install the software onto as many computers as you like, but you can only run the software on one computer at a time.
Further to my question -running the software on multiple computers - using Interactive Brokers data feed are any tweeks needed to individual computers so as to receive the data feed - I ask this question because the IB TWS would not open on my new computer although simulation data from CT was perfect.
You just need to make sure you that install TWS the same way you did on the first computer. Copy all the settings so that they match and they should work the same.
if I have CT running on my laptop, does the system stop working if I take my laptop offline from the web? or will the system continue to run in auto mode? If the system disables then I assume I should load and run CT from my desktop at home?
If your internet connection goes away, then the software will just sit and wait until the internet connection comes back. So, basically during that time, you are a buy-and-holder of the positions you are in until the internet connection resumes.
to be safe then, I will run from my desktop once I go live, but if ct will only run on one computer, is there a way for me to check my account status during the day from my laptop?
I would use TeamViewer to remote into your system and you can check it that way.
Can you explain TeamViewer and the installation procedure?
Teamviewer is free remote access software that you can use to access an internet connected system remotely.
To install it just go to www[dot]teamviewer[dot]com and click on the big green download button.
Choose to run the installation. Make sure you choose to install for private use.
Choose all the default installation options.
After the software is fully installed and starts on the bottom left you will see a section names Personal Password. Setup a password that you want to use to remotely access the system.
Note Your ID and password so you can use this information to access your machine later.
Install Teamviewer the same way onto another computer that you wish to remotely access the other system and under the "Partner ID" field you will enter the ID you notated earlier and click connect to Partner button.
You will be prompted for a password and then can access your other machine remotely.
I hope that helps!
Another interesting fact, you can run multiple CoolTrades on a single computer. Save all that money from buying a new computer and buy another CoolTrade license to test your strategies!
1. Install CoolTrade.
a. This can be done manually, or with CoolTrade Optimizer.
2. Open the parent file to the CoolTrade directory.
a. This can be in C:\ or Program Files/Program Files (x86)
3. Create a new folder and name is “CoolTrade Automated Trader 2”
4. Open the original folder with the CoolTrade installation.
5. Copy all of the contents of this folder.
a. You can hit CTRL+A and then CTRL+C which will select all, then copy.
6. Go back to the parent directory for CoolTrade.
7. Open the folder you created earlier for the second install of CoolTrade.
8. Paste what was in the other directory, into the new one.
a. CTRL+V will paste everything.
9. Create a task schedule for each install of CoolTrade.
a. Make sure to point to cooltrade.exe, not StartCoolTrade.exe.
i. Using StartCoolTrade.exe will cause a conflict.
10. Log into both CoolTrade’s and make sure they both run.
a. You will need to use cooltrade.exe, not StartCoolTrade.exe.
11. Now that the information needed to login is stored, test the task schedules.
a. If the task schedules launch both programs, everything was done correctly.
NOTE: Multiple CoolTrade’s should not be installed on to a single computer, unless the computer can handle the workload.
CoolTrade is a CPU intensive program. To determine if your computer can handle the workload, use the reference of 2 cores at 2ghz and 1gb of ram per trader.
For example: If you have a quad core(4) processor at 2ghz and 6gb of ram, you can run 2 CoolTrade’s. If you have an octo-core(8) processor and 8gb of ram, your computer can have 4 traders.
I’m having a bit of an issue with the re-install. It is downloaded, the broker is downloaded, it will run in Simulator mode, but when I switch to the broker and log in, it will log into the broker and sit there. It will not load the CoolTrader software. Help!
First I would make sure that your software is up to date. Log into CoolTrade and click File->Download New Software.
After that has completed follow the below steps on setting up the connection to your broker.
(Copy and paste into browser)
It still brings up the broker software and no CoolTrader. If I just do a straight Simulator mode it will come up. grrr
Which broker are you using?
Interactive Broker
Please follow the setup instructions for TWS as per this video.
(Copy and Paste below into web address bar)
Ok it looks like the forum deleted part of the URL. Here is the last part as it should be.
I am ready to trade live and I keep getting a small screen at the top left saying "Etrade login" click to open an account enter an authorization code authorize now in a green button.. underneath is a larger white box that says select an account and 3 more boxes underneath it that say select an account visit etrade website and exit underneath that it says please log on to etrade website. I click on the visit etrade website and nothing happens. anyone have any idea on what to do?
Go ahead and update your CoolTrade by going to FILE -> DOWNLOAD NEW SOFTWARE. After this try to log in again using the Etrade account information when prompted.
See if you can open your web browser and log into your etrade account. Then launch CoolTrade and see if you can click that button. Here are the full instructions on how to connect to ETrade:
Click the button that says "Visit ETrade Website". This will direct you to the website and you will be required to log in. Once logged in, it will direct you to a page with an authorization code. Sometimes that code will automatically be sent to the login window and some times you will need to highlight the code, copy it and then paste it into the blank box. Once the code is in there,
click "Authorize" and you should now see your account number associated with that authorization code.
Is it necessary to backup the strategies for safe keeping in case of unexpected data loss or are they stored "in the cloud" under my account. The same goes for any other settings. If backups are required, what files would be best to grab for backing-up to recover from a loss?
All strategies are stored server side, so no personal backup is required.
Installed CTP7.5.1 and the software will not save my logon password info. So whenever I try to run a scheduled task to start CTP, I get an invalid logon error message and CTP is shutdown.
When I manually start CTP I can logon just fine. Just have to manually enter the password each time.
The only difference I can see is that I installed CTP in its own directory instead of the Windows(x86) directory.
Could that be the problem?
If not, help!!!!!!
Chances are that CoolTrade is unable to write to it’s own directory and this is a result of Windows Vista, 7 and 8’s security features. When a program is installed, there are certain rights that are assigned to it. If Windows does not give the program admin rights, there is no way for it to write things into it’s own directory programmatically. In order for CoolTrade to save your login information, it needs to change an encrypted file in the CoolTrade directory, so this is what I am thinking is not happening.
Of course the above is null and void if there is no /a argument inside the scheduled task which calls that password to be filled automatically. Make sure this is in there or the task just does what it is being told and to run the software, not automatically populate the password field.
Just a side note, I would also upgrade to developer version if you have not done so already. 7.5.1 was a version released a little bit ago and there have been new improvements made since then. The developer version at the time of this post is 7.5.34.
Good luck and I hope you get CoolTrade working!
I wouldn’t download the Developer version unless specifically told by tech support as that version is constantly under development. The latest version right now is 7.5.35 and that is under FILE->DOWNLOAD NEW SOFTWARE
I tried that and it didn’t pass the argument into the password field and hit enter. How can this be automated using windows 8? I think i have it set as windows vista however
Here is another solution for you dameon:
Copy the line of text I have provided below:
schtasks /create /tn "CoolTrade" /sc WEEKLY /d MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI /st 09:15 /tr "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\CoolTrade Automated Trader\StartCoolTrade.exe\" /a" /f
Open a notepad file and paste it into there. Now save the file on your desktop and name it "schedule.bat", make sure to include the .bat or it won’t work. Now go to your desktop and double click the file you just made. This will automatically create the task for you.
There might be some changes that would need to be made in the text I provided. For instance, if you computer is a 32-bit operating system, then chances are CoolTrade is installed at C:\Program Files\CoolTrade Automated Trader. You will also want to change the time if needed. The current time set is for 09:15 meaning it is for eastern time zones. If you live say on pacific, you would want to change that to 06:15.
I have been running in simulator mode... but have had it do automated login and trading at one point. Then I went back to simulated mode.
I noticed it would not allow me to manually log in. When I enter the password, nothing happens, I just get a system bell sound and no keystrokes are entered into the text box.
I went on vacation for 3 weeks and that did not cure the problem! :)
It has been starting up automatically, on time in the morning and running my strategy in simulated mode. Now I want it to auto trade it... but when I try to log in, I can not enter my password.
I have downloaded the "new software" ... no change
Try this. Click File -> Logoff (Clear All Passwords)
Restart CoolTrade using the CoolTrade Task. It should go to the CoolTrade login screen.
You should be able to choose the broker that you are wanting to go live with. Enter your password after choosing that broker and then entering your broker username and password.
Do we need to configure the power setting to "never sleep"? Thanks!
Yes I would recommend this.
Thanks! and i just discovered that my computer doesn’t wake up when at the start time - so definitely set the power to never sleep
The widows task schedule has an opton to WAKE THE COMPUTER TO RUN TASK.
That works with SLEEP. But not from HIBERNATE.
Regardless of the above, I still never let my computers sleep or hibernate.
I agree with Hedge!
I experience periodical no data (red bar) when I simulate with feeds from IB. Is this normal? Anyone has the same?
What do you mean by "red bar"? Is this in reference toward the exchange ticker at the top of the trader?
I experience periodical no data (red bar) when I simulate with feeds from IB. Is this normal? Anyone has the same?
IB usually has good data and it comes directly from IB to the trader so my guess is it is internet related on your end. Most of my traders are Live and the IB feed is the same for both.
thanks, maybe it is because of the internet in my location, will try and move it, txs alot for the prompt feedback
why does some symbols allow price edit while others dont when i right click on them?
anyone has a solution to this?
I’m not sure why you can edit the entry price of a position. You should make sure that the box that popped up is for the is for the symbol that you clicked on. I believe that you should be able to edit your entry price for all of your positions as long as your are clicking on the line with the entry price on it.
thanks, i found out that i need to click on the position (2nd line) instead of the first.
thanks, i found out that i need to click on the position (2nd line) instead of the first.
thanks, i found out that i need to click on the position (2nd line) instead of the first.
A small side note, this can only be done in live trading. You cannot edit entry prices in a simulation.
Is anyone running the software on a VSP? If so please share who and how you like it.
Hello Joan,
There are a few really good VPS (Virtual Private Server), or Cloud, providers out there, it just depends on what you want to spend. I recently found a new one that I like called "ToggleBox". Just run a google search on it. Here are the minimum requirements I would say to have when setting it up:
CPU - 2 cores - (2.4ghz)
RAM(memory) - 3gb
Hard Drive - 30GB
I would also use these specifications as a good reference for CoolTrade in general. If you plan on using the computer (or VPS) for more than just CoolTrade, I would double those amounts.
I have been running in the CT simulator mode working on strategies while waiting for my MB Trading account to get set up. Now that it is, CT won’t login to my MBT account. I get a CT error and it shuts down. When I go back to CT simulator, it works. Any ideas?
Install this version of the mbtdesktoppro software:
Thanks, that worked. I had used the version provided by MBT. Couldn’t figure out what was going on...
Is anyone using a Mac simulator successfully... if so which one? Thanks, Don
I know that Parallels works good with MAC. I know of some users that use this software.
I’m using Cooltrade on my MAC. I start up Parallels and start up my windows virtual machine. 30 mins before the market Cooltrade automatically launches and runs all day just fine.
I’m using Cooltrade on my MAC. I start up Parallels and start up my windows virtual machine. 30 mins before the market Cooltrade automatically launches and runs all day just fine.
I’m using Cooltrade on my MAC. I start up Parallels and start up my windows virtual machine. 30 mins before the market Cooltrade automatically launches and runs all day just fine.
Does anyone uses cool trader on the cloud? I have a Mac and did not have a good experience with parallel.
I have not used them but I hear you can use a vps called //togglebox.com/cooltrade
I’m a new user and Cool Trader seems to be installed OK on a new laptop but every time I go to launch from the broker screen it terminates the session. I’m probably doing something wrong but not sure what 
I have the same problem
I suggest you send email to TechnicalSupport@cool-trade.com and they will assist you in getting it to work.
I have Cooltrade installed on a cloud server, and so it is set to start at 9:30 a.m. at the beginning of the day. When I log in and look at Cooltrade from my own computer, if I exit on my computer by hitting the exit button, does that stop Cooltrader on the cloud server? I want it to run automatically of course, so I want to make sure I am not stopping it by hitting exit on my own computer.
The best way to be sure is to open something on the computer, like a browser window, and then exit the computer. Then log back in and see if the browser window is still open. If it is, then you know that exiting did not hurt anything.
been running good about two months then stoped .tried making sure virus software not on. tried to update starts but never finishes updating. cant log into it from desktop. not sure what happened. been trying everthing tech sends for 3 days hmm. any ideas.
been running good about two months then stoped .tried making sure virus software not on. tried to update starts but never finishes updating. cant log into it from desktop. not sure what happened. been trying everthing tech sends for 3 days hmm. any ideas.
My suggestion is to do this in this order:
1. launch the automated trader.
2. select FILE->LAUNCH CHECKDISK/REPAIR (something like that).
3. reboot to let that complete.
4. after the reboot, launch the strategy wizard.
6. if it sticks because of an open file, then kill the WatchDog.exe that is running in the system tray (lower right of your windows screen). That will all the download to complete.
That should fix your problem.
Has anyone ever seen Cool-Trade crash with the following faults:
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\MSVCR80.dll
The platform is Windows 7 64-bit professional
How do you remove a simulated strategy completely? I have changed my strategy in strategy wizard. It shows up in my trader. But when trader goes live it shows previous stocks from old strategy and new stocks from new strategy.
There is a way to clear out your old symbols and report information and reset your account balance. Click on the CoolTrade start icon on your desktop and before you login there is a File at the top left. Click on that. Then click on Refresh for New Strategy. After you login it lets you reset your balance and clears your symbols and reports.
When I am in the strategy wizard and move my cursor over a strategy the wizard ends up loading the strategy wizard ends up loading the strategy above.
When I check mark the strategy I want. Cooltrade loads the strategy above the checkmarked strategy.
Anybody else have this problem?
Your strategy wizard has been corrected.
Please log in to verify the correct strategy is selected.
ct stops working shows message ct stoped working, in a box in center of ct platform, random not sure why. wife has to shut it off then restart to have it run, comp set up with ct trade tech support. runs good about 85 % time. sincerely
does ct techs sign into the account. noticed pop up notice and sounds saying signed in. just curious. sincerely.
You should send email to TechnicalSupport@Cool-Trade.com and ask them.
I can’t imagine why they would be looking at your trader unless you are requesting help.
contacted. trying the things they emailed , crossing fingers it works, they been great in past, just got ancy.
Cool trade was working the day before then when I started it up today it gives me the "Program Terminated" window right after I log in. The info it gives me is the date and nothing else. Strategy Wizard works and I tried to reinstalling but still doesn’t get passed that window.
Can anyone help?
Thank you for your time!
Send email to TechnicalSupport@cool-trade.com and a tech will assist you.
Cool trader support has contacted me really quickly and has solved my problem.
Thank you for the advise Hedge2!
Much appreciated!
I had this problem and it returned "Program Terminated" and 10/01/15<>01/10/15.
This was because CT was not sure if the date is October 1st or January 10th. I set the date format to "English (United States)" and that fixed it.
Hope this helps if anyone else has a similar problem
Since we’re now into the 12th day of Windows 10, what, if any, is the "correct" way to install CT on a Windows 10 machine? Does one follow the Windows 8 installation instructions...or???
Of course, one should probably ask: "Since CT has had 9 months of advanced notice that Windows 10 is coming, why hasn’t there been any discussion of Windows 10 installation from the programming staff, or instructions prominently posted on their website?"
Please don’t tell me that CT didn’t think anyone would want to upgrade their OS!
I installed it on my Windows 10 machine that same as I installed it on my other Windows machines and it worked perfectly.
1. Download the setup program to your desktop.
2. Right-click the desktop shortcut and select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.
Worked perfectly for me.
Thank you for your reply.
I get the following error:
"Error 1904.Module C:\CoolTrade Automated Trader\Tws.ocx failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473. Contact your support personnel."
I get this error regardless of which directory I attempt to install CT into.
This is the same error I would get (in Win7) daily at the bottom of the main screen. The screen would display 1 line of data and be frozen. This would require a daily exit of CT, close the Watchdog, run the regocxfiles .bat several times (supposedly not needed any more), then manually restart the trader with the Launch icon, then have to manually log in with my password, etc.
The Windows 10 install is an upgrade on top of a freshly reformatted HD, then Win7 install, then Win10.
Your thoughts?
Thanks again!
That TWS.ocx issue occurs regardless of what OS it is installed on. I think that’s because TWS is not installed or not installed correctly. I’ve seen it on computers where I am not using TWS at all. I think CT put it in there just to support the IB users. It can be ignored.
If the install completed then launch the Strategy Wizard and click FILE->DOWNLOAD BETA. That will get everything updated to the most recent update.
It would not even hurt to click on the desktop shortcut for RegOcxFiles and select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR because I believe all of those files are needed and may need Admin privileges to install.
Thanks again.
I had set a system restore point immediately before starting the install. So, falling back to that point, and deleting the CT directory before I started yet again, I followed your instructions and moved the startup file to the desktop, and then ran it as admin. (Mind you, I was following the Win8 video install files on the CT site, and they are similar, but not exact.)
I did get the tws.ocx error again during installation, but ’OK’ed it and moved on. This time I did not get a screen with blanked out spaces, but the install did finally let me get to the Strategy Wizard, where I was able to download the developer version.
My past experience with the developer versions have been positive, but I’ve not yet tried the beta versions.
Following the rest of the Win 8 install instructions I was able to set the Task Scheduler, etc.
The trader will now start, and run to the "Market Closed" screen, as expected on a Sunday.
I just ran the regocxfiles as admin, so I guess I’ll see tomorrow morning what happens. It’s been months since CT ran correctly on the machine in Win7.
I’m willing to try the beta version if I’m disappointed tomorrow morning.
You’ve been a great help!
Happy trading!
Cool. Thank you sending the update.
I am also trying a Win 10 installation after having CT crash repeatedly on my two 64-bit computers running Win 7 and Win 8.1. Upgraded the Win 8.1 to a clean install of Win 10. It is perfectly stable on my Win 7 32-bit computer and my XP laptop. (2 CTs and looking to get more :) )
I am very keen to know the correct procedure for installing CT and TWS so that CT starts TWS automatically without the second TWS login screen appearing. I have tried every possiible combination, order and variation for installing all with the same result: the second TWS login screen appears in the middle of the screen. I have tried the cancel and re-entering password or login on the CT IB login screen in the top left but no luck.
Hoping that Win 10 doesn’t crash as it is also 64-bit. Anyone else having problems on 64-bit machines?
I got tired of the TWS issues and moved to autoshares.com.
They have $1 trades/per 100 shares and don’t require other software to be running. They also have a very fast datafeed.
interesting. I switched to the tiered pricing with IB and it is averaging $0.36/100.
Win 10 crashed again, after clean install. Same pattern on the 64-bit computers: All good for about an hour +-, depends on activity level of market it seems, then crashes and after re-loading crashes after a minute or so. Then switch to 32-bit computer and stable. CT tech has installed CT and TWS a number of times on the 64-bit computers and no luck. Same patter for Win7 64-bit and Win 8.1 64-bit. Keen to know if anyone else has had 64-bit problems but not 32-bit.
Next step is I am going to take the Win 10 laptop with clean install disk to their offce and give to techs to setup as they see fit. :)
Happy to say CT is stable on Windows 10 32-bit. The problem is Windows Defender. It crashes CT. Defender turns itself back on again and so far I have not found out how to disable this auto back on feature.
The Defender issue is most likely what made the difference between my 32-bit and 64-bit. On my Win 7 32-bit computer Defender is on and doesn’t cause problems but it seems to be a different version of Defender.
I requested exact setup instructions for CT and TWS from CT tech support and they did send me instructions. The Instructions for setting up TWS included quite a few extra steps that I have not seen anywhere else before such as subscribing to particular market data feeds and setting the account to LIFO and a few more.
I suggested that they post those instuctions as a sticky To this thread and the IB TW thread.
Ok, long pause in an update to my installation woes of Sunday, August 9, ’15: All appears to be ok so far!!! CT has started correctly every morning since installation, and is trading correctly.
Regarding Defender, I went into its settings and specifically excluded not only the entire CT folder (directory), I also excluded each of the *.exe files that I’m using: CoolTrade.exe, nswizard.exe, StartCoolTrade.exe, StartNSwizard.exe, watchDog.exe
As I was testing the system on Sunday, I noticed what appeared to be multiple watchDog requests during boot, so I did some more poking about and found that there were 2 calls for startwatchdog in the startup options. So, I disabled one of them in the Task Manager, Startup tab.
So...as mentioned above, CT appears to be running correctly.
I’m not smart enough to figure out if CT is running 32 or 64 bit, but at the moment I’m not too concerned since for the first time in about 2 months it’s finally working again.
Also, thankfully, I’m no longer getting the TWS error, which was annoying to say the least!
Final comment: WHEW! I honestly think the programmers could make installations a tad bit easier (regardless of which Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 is being used.) OK, OK, they could make this a LOT easier.
Hope this helps anyone.
Running windows 10 since offered for download and everything seems to be running right so far. Just followed the standard windows 7 install and changed where necessary (ie search for command if not in menu system)
I had a problem with Cooltrade working correctly and was told by teck that I needed to adjust ADMIN RIGHTS. They sent a link to
I’ve never seen that video. You should go back to them and ask them to clarify.
Personally, I would follow these steps that have always worked for me:
1. uninstall CoolTrade
2. go to
Kradian - Ron here from Tech - I click on the link in your message regarding the how-to for admin rights and it takes me right to the video.
No join fee - nothing but a video to see how to manage the admin permissions.
You may have a virus infection if that is not taking you directly to the video.
I’m 2 months into trading with CT and got everything set up and working correctly, using a server and got a good strategy that’s making money...at least on my CT report.
Not so fast! Got an account with AutoShares and assumed (I know) that they would execute the trades exactly like CT, since they were partnered with CT.
No such luck...I called them today and they were not doing LIFO....so my account is down instead of up, and it will take a couple of months to re-coup those funds. Hopefully at least.
My request for CT...PLEASE do more training regarding what to ask for and how to get your trading account working correctly. The software is great....but if you’re like me and have never had a brokerage account, the statements and lingo are foreign. I watched and listened to all the webinars and videos, and nobody explained why the CT report and the brokerage statement could be so different.
In case no one has explained yet. Here is what is happening.
1. the broker is not selling them FIFO or LIFO. They are just selling at the current price. Then, for tax purposes, they are closing the first lot of stock that you opened, which happens to be the highest priced one. That is good because it will register as a loss on your taxes. Nothing wrong with that.
2. CoolTrade AND YOU can see in the CoolTrade software that the bottom one was actually closed and IT WAS PROFITABLE.
Please note that it all comes out in the wash once the entire position is closed. Ultimately, if you add up all of the entry prices and subtract all of the close prices, the final P/L is the same.
I find it interesting that the broker logs the closes as FIFO in the first place. It might indicate that the CoolTrade system is the only system that sells positions profitably via LIFO and the others are systematically selling positions at a loss.
I get CT to start with the scheduler but it hangs by asking me if command prompt can override permissions. I have to click yes to allow it to start. What will fix that?
Also, lately when CT starts (after manually clicking yes) it sometimes terminates Outlook and sometimes Explorer. I’m not using a dedicated PC yet.
Actually, the CT startup doesn’t hang up...but it still does kill my Outlook, Explorer or Microsoft Edge.
I suggest you send email to technicalsupport@cool-trade.com and see if they can assist you. They are pretty good. I run my trader on my computer and it doesn’t kill anything.
There a way connect to robinhood.
Yes. On the robotic trader login screen you can select which broker you want to trade through. Just select Robinhood.
Go to http://robinhood.com to open an account with that zero trade-fees broker.
Shows the normal cooltrade .then when does the trade , shows the ib screen with tab api and box highlighted .don’t do anything more. If I look back at cooltrade shows nothing. All did was update new version. Tried old not working same thing.
Send email to TechnicalSupport@Cool-Trade.com for tech assistance.